A quick glance at their website shows the smallest unit is 5,000 BTUs and costs $4,000. It draws 29 "nominal amps" on low blower speed. Interesting product. Love the idea of a split system … (View Post)
This sign on Dale's T@B just breaks my heart. What a piece of T@B history. No one, and I mean no one has advanced our enjoyment of these wonderful trailers as Dale. His mods were creative and inspire… (View Post)
This is a video of that spectator on her way to the Tour De France. The trailer contains the cardboard sign she held up for the cameras prior to causing that massive crash. If not her, then her Ameri… (View Post)
I’m starting to feel old with my 2016 TAB. People with more current models will post a problem, and I’ll try to provide a possible solution based on my experience - only to be told it’s no longer app… (View Post)